March 22nd It’s a “Good In A Funeral” Day. WE THANK YOU, GOD, FOR HELPING US TO FIND THE GOOD IN ALL ASPECTS OF OUR LIVES AND FOR HELPING US SEE THE GOOD THROUGH THE PAIN. AMEN.  I dedicate this message to a great friend, mentor, and brother who made the final transition, DANIEL BALDWIN,…

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Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

March 21st  It’s a “Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover” Day. LORD, WE THANK YOU BECAUSE YOU JUDGE US BY WHAT’S IN OUR HEARTS AND NOT BY WHAT’S ON OUR BACKS. AMEN. When I was a child I was taught once again by my sweet grandmother this old wise saying, “You can’t judge a…

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March 20th                                                                     It’s a “HIDE AND GO SEEK” Day LORD GOD OUR FATHER WE THANK YOU, FOR YOU SOUGHT US FOUND US AND SAVED US. AMEN I once attend a memorial service where members of the Prince Hall Eastern Stars of Pennsylvania held a memorial service that honors our members who have died over the…

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March 19th                                                                  It’s a “Live By Your Word” Day. LORD, WE THANK YOU FOR THIS DAY, AND WE ASK THAT YOU GUIDE US TO BE HEARERS AND DOERS OF YOUR WORD. AMEN. There are many wise sayings that my grandmother would always say, and I will never forget. I not only try to live…

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