“It’s a Forgiveness Day” 
Father we bless your name and we ask that you forgive us as we forgive others.  
Last night I attended the ordination service of my friend and fellow Police Chaplain Robert “Bob” Kilmer. His lovely wife “Jackie,” as well as other family and friends witnessed it. Now for most of us, this was a service that was long over due because Bob has preached and serving for at least 15 years. Nevertheless in GODS’ own time it happened and it was a beautiful service for a GOD fearing, GOD serving and GOD loving man who has much compassion and forgiveness for GODS’ people. Now one of the recurring  themes of the service was forgiveness. I believe this happened because of some of the bitter life lessons that Bob and Jackie have dealt with, such as the suicidal death of their young son. Instead of turning from GOD because of it they turned to GOD by serving HIM and counseling others who have felt the indescribable pain which one must endure when they lose a child. Forgiveness! Forgiveness! Forgiveness! This is an attribute we all must have if we call ourselves Christians, if we want to be like JESUS and if the SPIRIT of GOD is living in us. JESUS gave us this example when HE was dying on the cross and asked his HEAVENLY FATHER to forgive HIS accusers for they know not what they do. This also happened as HE went around healing folks and forgiving their sins. Each of us has been hurt by someone. Each of us has had to swallow the bitter pills of life. Yes, each of us has had to deal with some type of suffering. Some earned but most unearned. Divorce, terminal illnesses, unfaithful mates, criminal family members, murdered children, unfairly treated on our jobs, mistreated by family and close friends, lied on by folks who claim they know us but really don’t and cussed out by those who claim they love us. All this and more has happened to us. But in the midst of all this we must be like my friends Bob and Jesus and practice forgiveness. So today’s message is this: If we don’t practice forgiveness it will turn into resentment and resentment will turn into bitterness and bitterness will turn into sickness and sickness will turn into death. So you better learn to forgive if you want to live on earth as well as in heaven. AMEN and GOD BLESS !!!
 This is Rev. Dr. Wm Rocky Brown, 3rd letting you know that GOD and I love you and we approve this message because we want to motivate your mind, body & soul. So be happy and enjoy the blessings of The LORD today my friend!
William Rocky Brown, 3rd
The Honorable Reverend Dr. William Lewis Rocky Brown, 3rd, a public servant, preacher, police chaplain, author, motivationalist, counselor, and consultant