One day our Master, Jesus Christ was received into a village home in Bethany by Martha, the sister of Lazarus.  As we read this eventful account in the Gospel of Luke we are impressed with the fact that Martha seems to also be the older sister and no doubt was the supervisor of the home.  She was a woman of standing in the community.  Yet, she had the warmth of spirit to openly make it possible for Jesus and surely some disciples with him to come into her home.  Yes she invited the Master home. How many of us today are anxious to invite the Master home?  How many of us are living lives that are both respectful and humble, holy and human so that Jesus could find comfort and lodging in our homes? Now, being the woman of the house it would be up to her to prepare a meal.  And the custom of the day tells us that it was a great honor to be able to prepare a meal for important guest or dignitaries.  Martha had gone to make bread and prepare a meal.  But it seems that Martha’s troubles developed when she began to worry about Mary.  As long as Martha was doing what she could do best, all was well.  As soon as anxiety rose and her tensions increased, Martha wanted her sister, Mary to know what she was going through. I suspect she wanted Mary in the kitchen with her.  Perhaps Martha felt Mary was out-of-place being with the men.  For she had been cooking for a long time believing that her sister would finally come to her place of duty in the kitchen.  But Mary never did.  You know so much trouble develops because we are forever worried about someone else.  Most of us spend more time in other folks business than our own. Then we get worried that we are or will be doing all the work. We are concerned that someone will not be aware of the sacrifices we are making, but God knows. Without a doubt, Martha could have finished the meal without Mary, but she let her emotions run away with her.  Martha was concerned about everything but the most important thing, which was to spend as much time as possible with Jesus. She was more concerned about giving Jesus what she felt he needed rather than asking Him what He wanted.  And surely all He wanted was some peace and quiet away from the hustle and bustle of the multitude!  With the cross before Him and with the inner tension in His heart, He had turned aside to Bethany to find an oasis of calm away from the demanding crowds, if only for an hour or two. That is what Mary gave Him and what Martha even in her kindness did her best to destroy.  It was simply that Mary understood and that Martha did not. Now, don’t get me wrong Jesus loved Martha and Martha loved Him, but when Martha set out to be kind it had to be her way of being kind which was really being unkind to Him, whose heart cried out for quiet.  Jesus loved Mary and Mary loved Him, but the difference in the two was the basic fact that Mary understood. We must admire Mary for staying with Jesus.  She must have known that as a woman, tradition would put her in the kitchen but she stayed with Jesus.  She must have known that the critics of Jesus might have mistaken her motives but she stayed with Jesus.  She must have known that her sister, Martha would become angry, but she stayed with Jesus. Therefore, the main lesson of this message is that: We Need To Stay With Jesus!  And the good thing about our faith is that when anyone makes up his or her mind to stay with Jesus, He will not turn us away.  We need to stay with Jesus to the point that folk say:  “We look, walk, talk, act, live, serve, think, and love like Jesus!”  We need to stay with Jesus … in our Joys, in our Sorrow, in our high moments, in our low moment. For He will never leave us or forsake us. So the question is, “Are you with HIM and if you are, are going to stay?”

This is Rev Dr Wm Rocky Brown, 3rd letting you know that GOD and I Love you and we approve this message because we want to motivate your mind, body & soul. So be happy and enjoy the blessings of The LORD today my friend! 

William Rocky Brown, 3rd
The Honorable Reverend Dr. William Lewis Rocky Brown, 3rd, a public servant, preacher, police chaplain, author, motivationalist, counselor, and consultant

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for breaking down this message in lay terms. You make it very easy to understand the Holy Bible. Many people shy away from studying the Bible because they don’t understand the dialogue. If anyone, is interested in Bible study they should start with your daily messages especially if you are going to break it down like this. You are a profound thinker and writer and it takes a lot of patience and understanding to share on this level. Help us Holy Ghost be witnesses of God’s word. God bless you Reverend Brown

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