It’s a “Praise Him” Sunday.
Today let us give God some praise:
“Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.”
Praise Him for His Love.
Praise Him for His Kindness.
Praise Him for His Mercy.
Praise Him for His Joy.
Praise Him for His Light.
Praise Him for His Peace.
Praise Him for His Grace.
Praise Him for His Divinity.
Praise Him for His Faithfulness.
Praise Him for His Holiness.
Praise Him for His Salvation.
Praise Him for His Power.
Praise Him for His Wisdom.
Praise Him for His Benefits.
Praise Him for His Providence.
Praise Him for His Glory.
Praise Him for His Deliverance.
Praise Him for His Protection.
Praise Him for His Direction.
Praise Him for His Creation.
Praise Him for His Word.
Praise Him for His Healing.
Praise Him for His Comfort.
Praise Him for His Sanctuary.
Praise Him for His Greatness.
Praise Him for His Compassion.
Praise Him for His Favor.
Praise Him for His Goodness.
Praise Him for His Righteousness.
Praise Him for His Forgiveness.
Praise Him for His Redemption.
Praise Him for His Excellency.
“Praise the Lord ! Praise God in his sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty heavens! Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!
Praise Him with trumpet sound; Praise Him with flute and harp!
Praise Him with tambourine and dance;
Praise Him with strings and pipe! Praise Him with sounding cymbals; Praise Him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord !
Praise the Lord !” (Psalm 150:1-6 ESV)
This is Rev Dr Wm Rocky Brown, 3rd letting you know that GOD and I Love you and we approve this message because we want to motivate your mind, body & soul.
So be happy and enjoy the blessings of The LORD today my friend!
William Rocky Brown, 3rd
The Honorable Reverend Dr. William Lewis Rocky Brown, 3rd, a public servant, preacher, police chaplain, author, motivationalist, counselor, and consultant