It’s a “Living For Others” Tuesday. LORD, BLESS US TO LIVE EACH DAY AND EACH HOUR TO HELP- OTHERS. AMEN. A poet by the name of C.D. Meigs sat down one day a...
It’s a “Living For Others” Tuesday. LORD, BLESS US TO LIVE EACH DAY AND EACH HOUR TO HELP- OTHERS. AMEN. A poet by the name of C.D. Meigs sat down one day a...
It’s a “Psalm 27” Monday. LORD, HELP US TO BELIEVE YOUR WORD AS WE READ YOUR WORD. AMEN. Today I want to share with you one of my favorite passages in the...
It’s a “Bible Is” Sunday. LORD, WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR EXTERNAL WORD THAT MAKES OUR LIFE COMPLETE. AMEN. The Bible is: The charter of all true liberty. The...
It’s a “Faith Is The Key” Saturday. LORD, GIVE US THE FAITH TO BELIEVE WHEN WE DON’T KNOW HOW TO BELIEVE. AMEN. Doubt sees the obstacles; Faith sees the w...
It’s a “God Made (The Remix)” Friday. LORD, HELP US TO BE ALL THAT YOU HAVE MADE US TO BE. AMEN. God made the sunlight, but it cannot laugh, God made the ...