August 21st It’s a “JESUS For Hire” Day LORD, WE GIVE YOU HONOR AND PRAISE F...
August 21st It’s a “JESUS For Hire” Day LORD, WE GIVE YOU HONOR AND PRAISE F...
August 20th It’s a “Give Your Best” Day LORD, HELP US TO GIVE OUR BEST TO ALL THAT WE DO. AMEN. The best thing to give… To your enemy is ...
August 19th It’s a “God Made” Day LORD, HELP US TO HAVE A GIVING HEART AND HAND T...
August 18th It’s a “Godly Man/Woman” Day LORD, HELP US TO LIVE A GODLY AND HOLY LIFE...
August 17th It’s an “Are You One?” Day LORD, HELP US TO LIVE SO THAT OTHERS SEE YOU IN US. AMEN. I want to ask you today, “Are you a Christian?” You see, ...