January 11th It’s an “In Christ” Day LORD, WE GIVE HONOR, GLORY AND ALL THE PRAISE BECAUSE ...
January 11th It’s an “In Christ” Day LORD, WE GIVE HONOR, GLORY AND ALL THE PRAISE BECAUSE ...
January 10th It’s a “5 Keywords To Live By” Day LORD, HELP US TO MAKE THESE KEYWORDS APART OF OUR DAILY L...
January 9th It’s a “Way of Life and Not a Job” day LORD, BLESS THOSE, WHO ARE SINCERE WITH THEIR CALLING T...
January 8th It’s a “Teach Us to Forgive” Day LORD, TEACH AND HELP US TO FORGIVE OTHERS FOR NONE OF...
January 7th It’s a “Don’t Lose Your Joy” Day LORD, HELP US TO LIVE EACH DAY HAPPY IN AND WITH YOU...