September 25th It’s a “12 Wise Sayings About Silence” Day LORD, HELP US TO CONTROL OUR ACTIONS AS WELL AS OUR TONGUES. A...
September 25th It’s a “12 Wise Sayings About Silence” Day LORD, HELP US TO CONTROL OUR ACTIONS AS WELL AS OUR TONGUES. A...
September 24th It’s a “Go To Hell” Day LORD, WE GIVE YOU PRAISE FOR THE ASSURANCE...
September 23rd It’s a “Say It Now” Day LORD, HELP US TO DO TODAY WHAT WE SHOULD HAVE...
September 22nd It’s a “Ten Commandments of Human Relations” Day LORD, HELP US TO TREAT OTHERS THE WAY WE WANT TO BE TREATED. AMEN. Speak to people. Ther...
September 21st It’s a “Conversation with God” Day LORD, LET THIS NOT BE OUR ACTIONS NEXT SUNDAY MORNING. AMEN. Here is a conversation that somebody had w...