OUR MIXED-UP NATION
October 6th It’s an “Our Mixed-Up Nation” Day LORD, AS A NATION WE ARE SO MIXED UP THAT WE NEED YOU TO DELIVER US FROM OURSELVES. AMEN. As a n...
October 6th It’s an “Our Mixed-Up Nation” Day LORD, AS A NATION WE ARE SO MIXED UP THAT WE NEED YOU TO DELIVER US FROM OURSELVES. AMEN. As a n...
October 5th It’s an “In Jesus We Have” Day LORD, IT’S YOUR DAY, AND WE PRAISE YOU FOR ALL THE BLESSINGS YOU SHOWE...
October 4th It’s a “BUILDING IN HEAVEN” Day LORD, WE ARE THANKFUL THAT JESUS HAS PREPARED A HOME FOR US IN ...
October 3rd It’s a “Letter About Heaven” Day LORD, HELP US ALWAYS TO REMEMBER THAT HEAVEN IS OUR REAL HOME AND ...
October 2nd It’s a “Support Your Pastor” Day LORD, WE THANK YOU, AND WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHOM YOU HAVE CALLED TO LEAD AND GUIDE US IN THE WAYS OF...