September 30th It’s a “What America Needs” Day LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER AND GIVE AS A COUNTRY OUR NEEDS AND OUR WANTS. AMEN. I believe this is what we need for Am...
September 30th It’s a “What America Needs” Day LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER AND GIVE AS A COUNTRY OUR NEEDS AND OUR WANTS. AMEN. I believe this is what we need for Am...
September 29th It’s a “10 Resolutions” Day LORD, HELP US TO LIVE BY THE RESOLUTIONS THA...
September 28th It’s a “Doing God’s Work” Day LORD, HELP US TO FIND JOY AND REWARD IN DOING YO...
September 27th It’s a “Words To Live By” Day LORD, AS WE, GROW IN LIFE MAY WE GROW IN ...
September 26th It’s a “Prayer in School” Day LORD, WE PRAY TODAY FOR OUR SCHOOLS THAT NEED A SP...