January 7th                                                               

It’s a “Don’t Lose Your Joy” Day 


One Sunday just before I was to preach, a friend accused me of something that she heard I said, which I knew wasn’t true. She went on to lay me out and call me a Judas. Now I responded under the influence of the Holy Spirit because the old me wanted to cuss her out. 

So I went on to say that it wasn’t true, and she should consider the dog that brought the bone to the situation. Then I told her that I still loved her, she was still my friend, and I give God praise because no matter what, He knows the truth and He always calls me by my name. Then I went on to preach like I have never preached before. 

You see beloved; I wasn’t going to let the devil steal my message or my joy. Many of you have experienced this same type of situation. You woke up happy, on the right side of the bed and got a call or have run into a so-called friend and they say something negative to you or about you, and before you know it, your happiness and joy have turned to sorrow and pain. 

So my word for you today is don’t let the devil use you or steal your joy. He didn’t give it, and he can only take it away if you let him. My friends be happy in Jesus no matter what the situation may be, just be happy. If I’m right about it, let me hear you say “I’m Happy! Are you happy?

This is Rev Dr. Wm. Rocky Brown, 3rd letting you know that GOD and I Love you, and we approve this message because we want to motivate your mind, body & soul. So be happy and enjoy the blessings of The LORD today my friend! Please subscribe to my website to receive these messages daily at You can also buy my publication: “800 SAYINGS BY OLD FOLKS WHO RAISED US” from or or by email: or by calling 215-480-5333. The cost is $20.00 s/h included.

William Rocky Brown, 3rd
The Honorable Reverend Dr. William Lewis Rocky Brown, 3rd, a public servant, preacher, police chaplain, author, motivationalist, counselor, and consultant

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