It’s a “Make Things Happen” Tuesday.

There are all types of people in this world. We come in different shapes, sizes, heights, weights, complexions, cultures, nationalities, races, backgrounds, habits, ways and norms. GOD has made all of us different. No two of us are alike. Even identical twins are not 100% alike. Today I want to talk about three types of people who exist in every country and culture on this place we call Mother Earth.

First, there are the “ People Who Wonder What Happened.” These are the folk who are really not paying attention to what is happening in their neighborhood, on their job or in their community. Some are lost because they are on drugs and/or alcohol, some are mentally ill, some are afraid to get involved and some are so into their own world that they don’t care about anybody or anything but themselves. They feel that the world is all about them. I call them Selfish People.

Then there are the “People Who Watch Things Happen”. These are the people who are involved because they see what happens but that’s all that they do. They will see a problem and just talk about it. They will see a need and turn their heads and say, “That’s not my concern or issue.” The extent of their involvement is to gossip about the situation. They will be the first to complain that nothing is being done about the situation or if something is being done, they will complain about the way it is being done. They are all talk and no action. They give lip service and no life service. I call them Nosey People.

Finally, there are the, “People Who Make Things Happen.” These are the people who see a problem and do something about it. They don’t ignore it. They don’t gossip about it. No, they do something about it. They are not afraid or too selfish to get involved. These are the kind of people who make this a better world. They don’t mind getting their hands dirty. They don’t mind folk pointing the finger at them because they realize in most cases if they don’t get involved things will not change   Things will get worse instead of better. I call them Concerned People.

JESUS told a story one day and talked about these types of people. He said, “There was this brother who was walking through the hood one day and somebody beat him, robbed him and left him, on the side of the curb, half dead. A Deacon from the local church happened to be coming down the street. He was so into his own world and talking on his cell phone, that he walked by the brother and didn’t even see him laying there. Then the Pastor from the same church came down the street. He did notice the brother but all he did was have prayer over the brother and left singing the song, “The Lord will make a  way somehow.” Finally, a man with no titles or memberships came down the street and saw the wounded brother. He stopped and had prayer. He put a bandage on the man’s wounds. He took him to the emergency room and paid the bill. He then left his cell phone number and said to the desk clerk, “ If that’s not enough money for all the mans expenses call me tomorrow and I will pay the rest.”  Beloved I ask you today are you Selfish and Wonder What Happened? Are you Nosey and Watch Things Happen? Or are you Concerned and Make Things Happen? AMEN, lights and walls, laptops, notebooks and smart phones. Yes, AMEN Somebody or Something!!!

This is Rev Dr Wm Rocky Brown, 3rd letting you know that GOD and I Love you and we approve this message because we want to motivate your mind, body & soul.
So be happy and enjoy the blessings of The LORD today my friend!


William Rocky Brown, 3rd
The Honorable Reverend Dr. William Lewis Rocky Brown, 3rd, a public servant, preacher, police chaplain, author, motivationalist, counselor, and consultant