“Believe In Yourself” 

             It has been said that a person is what they eat.  Someone else has said that a person is what the read.  Still another has said that a person is what they think.  Solomon said, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.”

Now to profound statements that identify the essence of a person’s being I would add another which says that a person is what he or she believes.  You are not only what you consume physically or what you conceptualize or internalize mentally, but you are also what you believe in your heart.

If you believe you can then you can; if you believe you cannot then you won’t be able to.  Everything we do from the most simple acts to the most complex tasks requires that we believe in ourselves and our abilities to perform.  Before we can get out of bed or lift a fork or speak a word, before we can memorize a speech or learn a lesson or drive a car, before we can quit smoking or drinking or overeating or any other habit, we must first believe that we can.  And if we don’t have the strength ourselves, then we must have enough faith to believe in God and in his power of Christ to help us do what we believe, we cannot do for any by ourselves.

Yes, we are what we believe.  If we believe that we are nobodies, then nobodies are all we will ever be.   No one can make you into a failure; you must do that yourself.  No matter how many times you’ve tried and failed, you are never a failure until you begin to believe and consider yourself to be a failure.

As long as you don’t give up you can keep on trying.  You’ll hold your head up and bounce back no matter how many times you’ve been discouraged, frustrated or disappointed.  But once you give up on yourself, on God, on life, on other people, then failure is inevitable.  For no person ever really starts failing until that person begins to fail from the inside out.

Malcolm X once said that this society’s greatest crime, against blacks was teaching us to hate ourselves.  Self-hate, self-doubt, a lack of self-esteem and belief in self, a lack of self-respect and pride have been and continue to be some of our greatest obstacles to being a truly free and victorious people.

As long as we are on the treadmill of self-hate and self-doubt that causes us to disrespect, deprecate and kill each other; as long as we mug, burglarize, terrorize and “do in” or try to get over on each other; as long as we fail to believe in each other, as long as we are “Illin and not Chillin” then we will never, never, never reach our true and highest potential.  When we fail to believe in ourselves, we are disgrace to the God who made us.  For all things are possible if we only believe.

You should have dignity, pride and respect for yourself, standing tall with your head held high, because Everybody is Somebody.

You might not be able to do what others can do – but you’re still Somebody!

Your hair or your skin might be different – but you’re still Somebody!

Somebody made in the Image of God!  And I want you to know that the God I serve never did and never will make junk!

Remember it’s not where you came from that counts, it’s where you’re gonna that matters.  You see, you can be in the slum and the ghetto but the slum and the ghetto doesn’t have to be in you.

Have high goals reaching for the stars; realizing that it is no tragedy in not reaching your goal; the tragedy is not having a goal to reach.  There is no shame in failing or making a mistake, the shame is never trying.

So if you can’t fly, you run, if you can’t run, you walk, if you can’t walk, you crawl.  The point is to have stickuativeness, believing in yourself and never give up.  So get all the education and training you can get and after that get some more.  For in life you will realize that nobody will do for you what you have the power to do for yourself!

So believe in yourself and be all that you can be, make good use of your life.  As Dr. King would say, “It’s not how long you live but how well you live!”

Therefore, no matter what happens from day to day, keep on believing in yourself!

No matter what other people say, keep on believing in yourself!

No matter what other folk do – keep on believing in yourself!

Yes, no matter what, keep on believing in yourself because when you believe in yourself you will always do your best.

So go forth into the glorious future realizing that-

            If you don’t love yourself – nobody else will.

            Get a good education; learn a trade or a skill.

            For to do less than one’s best is a sin, Winners never quit and quitters never win!

            You don’t need dope just Gods’ hope; you don’t need drugs, just love and hugs.

And if you can’t be that tree on the top of the hill, be that shrub in the valley, but be the best little shrub on the side of the hill because truly you are Somebody!

If you stumble of flop still get up and reach for the top.

If in your mind you can Conceive It, and in your heart, believe it, then your body and soul can surely achieve it!

All you need is faith to Conceive, Hope to Believe and Love to Achieve!

You can do it if you put your mind to it.

Just do your best, God will do the rest and you shall have success!

So if you can’t be the Sun, you go on and be that Star, for it isn’t by size that you Win or Fail.

Just Believe In Yourself and Be the Best At Whatever You Are!

Class of 2014 – The Futures’ Yours, Take Control of It.

Peace, Power and God Bless!


This is Rev Dr Wm Rocky Brown, 3rd letting you know that GOD and I Love you and we approve this message because we want to motivate your mind, body & soul.

So be happy and enjoy the blessings of The LORD today my friend!


William Rocky Brown, 3rd
The Honorable Reverend Dr. William Lewis Rocky Brown, 3rd, a public servant, preacher, police chaplain, author, motivationalist, counselor, and consultant