LIVING FOR OTHERS                     

August 26th                                                                                                   

It’s a “Living For Others” Day


 A poet by the name of C.D. Meigs sat down one day and wrote this poem called, “Others”:

 “Lord help me to live from day to day

In such a self-forgetful way 

That even when I kneel to pray 

My prayer shall be for-others. 

 Help me in all the work I do 

To ever be sincere and true 

And know that all I do for you 

Must be done for-others. 

 Let “Self” be crucified and slain 

And buried deep, and all is vain 

May efforts be to rise again 

Unless to live for-others. 

 And when my work on earth is done

And my new work in heaven begun

May I forget the crown I’ve won 

While thinking still of-others. 

 Others, Lord, yes, others

Let this my motto be,

Help me to live for others

That I may live like Thee.”

I’m blessed because all the work I do is to help others. And it makes me want to shout. Throw my hands up and shout. Come on now and shout. Hey hey hey hey. Shout come on now. Shout come on now. Shout come on now. “Ok Rev. calm down.” Amen, Somebody.

This is Rev Dr. Wm. Rocky Brown, 3rd letting you know that GOD and I Love you, and we approve this message because we want to motivate your mind, body & soul. So be happy and enjoy the blessings of The LORD today my friend! Please subscribe to my website to receive these messages daily at You can also buy my publication: “800 SAYINGS BY OLD FOLKS WHO RAISED US” from or by email: or by calling 215-480-5333. The cost is $20.00 s/h included.

William Rocky Brown, 3rd
The Honorable Reverend Dr. William Lewis Rocky Brown, 3rd, a public servant, preacher, police chaplain, author, motivationalist, counselor, and consultant

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