February 7th
It’s a “Speak The Truth” Day.
The Holy Spirit showed me a story that I need to share with you today.
Once upon a time, there was a Farmer’s wife who had spread a slanderous story about her pastor through the village, and soon the whole countryside had heard it. Some time later the woman became sick and confessed that the story was untrue. After her recovery, she came to the pastor and craved for his forgiveness. The pastor said, “Of course I will gladly forgive you if you comply with a wish of mine.” “Gladly,” replied the woman. “Go home, kill a black hen, pluck the feathers, and put them in a basket and bring them here.”
In a half an hour she was back. “Now,” said the pastor, “Go through the village and at each street corner scatter a few of these feathers, the remaining ones take to the top of the bell tower and scatter them to the winds, then return.” She did so. “Now go through the village and gather the feathers again, and see that not one is missing.”
The woman looked at the pastor in astonishment and said, “Why that is impossible! The wind has scattered them over the fields everywhere!”
“And so,” said he, “While I forgive you gladly, do not forget that you can never undo the damage your lying words have done.”
Beloved, you can never take back words, and you can’t give back a reputation. Only speak what you know for sure to be the truth. The tongue can kill like a gun. So the question is: “Do your lips have the safety on them or is it on lock and load ready to fire?
This is Rev Dr. Wm. Rocky Brown, 3rd letting you know that GOD and I Love you, and we approve this message because we want to motivate your mind, body & soul. So be happy and enjoy the blessings of The LORD today my friend! Please subscribe to my website to receive these messages daily at http://www.yourspiritualmotivation.com. You can also buy my publication: “1000 SAYINGS BY OLD FOLKS WHO RAISED US” from Amazon.com or www.wmrockybrown3rd.com or by email: wmrocbe@aol.com or by calling 215-480-5333. The cost is $20.00 s/h included.