LIVING FOR OTHERS                     

August 26th                                                                                                    It’s a “Living For Others” Day LORD, BLESS US TO LIVE EACH DAY AND EACH HOUR TO HELP- OTHERS. AMEN.  A poet by the name of C.D. Meigs sat down one day and wrote this poem called, “Others”:  “Lord help me to live from day to day In such a self-forgetful way  That…

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August 25th                                                It’s a “Psalm 27” Day  LORD, HELP US TO BELIEVE YOUR WORD AS WE READ YOUR WORD. AMEN.  Today I want to share with you one of my favorite passages in the Bible. I pray it comforts you as it comforts me: “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I…

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SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE PRAYER AND PRAISE  8/24/24 PHONE LINE WORSHIP SERVICE SATURDAY 7 pm The call line number is 1-646-769-9900 Line ID: 3333344444 Scripture for today: John 14:1-6 Message: “IT’S OK TO DIE, WHEN YOU HAVE A BETTER PLACE TO GO” Rev Thomas Jackman Worship Leader: Rev. Dr. Wm. Rocky Brown, 3rd cash app $wmrocbe…

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August 24th                                                                                 It’s “The Bible Is” Day LORD, WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR EXTERNAL WORD THAT MAKES OUR LIFE COMPLETE. AMEN.  The Bible is: The charter of all true liberty.  The forerunner of civilization.  The molder of institutions and governments.  The fashioner of law.  The secret of national progress.  The guide of history.  The…

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August 23rd                                                 It’s a “Faith Is the Key” Day LORD, GIVE US THE FAITH TO BELIEVE WHEN WE DON’T KNOW HOW TO BELIEVE. AMEN.  Doubt sees the obstacles; Faith sees the way.  Doubt sees the darkest night, Faith sees the day! Doubt questions, “Who believes?” Faith answers, “I!”  Faith’s answer to the question “How?” Is…

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